Runner’s World+ Member: Todd Whittemore

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From Runner's World

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Todd is a Runner’s World+ member. Join him and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

I have run as long as I can remember, but I typically did it to improve fitness to help with other sports. Running became more of a focus for me in the late 90s as I began to approach age 30. I did my first marathon in 1998, and I became hooked from there. I’ve just completed my 53rd marathon with races across the US, Europe, and Singapore. Running is such an important part of my life both to maintain fitness in a very efficient manner, but also to keep life balanced from a mental perspective. One of the first things I do when I travel is plot out a few running routes. Running is a great way to explore, and I love to plan vacations around a marathon. In the mid-2000s, I added triathlon to the mix. The variety has helped to keep me a healthier runner as I was starting to have a few minor and nagging injuries prior to that.

It is a neat group, and I particularly enjoy hearing about the experiences of other members!

I obviously enjoy the physical fitness aspect of running, but what really keeps me going is the ability to unwind mentally. It is the perfect way for me to destress life, enjoy the outdoors, and get in step with my body. I never run with music and I rarely run in groups. The peaceful solitude is what makes running special for me.

I am a morning runner. It is a great feeling to have 10 miles in before the sun rises!!! Also, I find that I am not very successful keeping to a schedule if I postpone my run until later in the day as it seems like conflicts arise far too often.

In Pittsburgh, I do all of my long runs at North Park. It is a scenic 5-mile loop with water and bathroom stops along the loop making things easier. It has rolling hills and one steeper one with a detour around it if the legs are not feeling up for a climb that day. In Singapore, my favorite run is along the trails of MacRitchie Reservoir. This is a 10.5 km trail loop with a few technical sections and usually some wildlife (wild monkeys) to see along the way. I’d much prefer to sweat than shiver during a run, so the heat and humidity of Singapore (and Houston having lived there for many years) suits me well.

I tend to rotate shoes and clothes, but the one thing I always have on my run is my Suunto t6d that is nearly 10 years old now. It still meets my needs. It uses pods rather than GPS to track distance, but this also means that the battery life is four to five months!!!

I’ve had several goals including a BQ (I’ve now run Boston three times) and completing 50 marathons by age 50 (I met this one as well). I’d like to get another BQ and also to keep my marathon streak going, but balanced with triathlons to keep me in better all-around shape.

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