Runner’s World+ Member: Tim Anderson

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From Runner's World

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Tim is a Runner’s World+ member. Join him and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

Running has helped me seek out the best possible version of myself. I began running in 2011, after my annual doctor’s visit ended with the phrase “pre-diabetic.” Something had to change, and running seemed like the least distasteful option. After the first few weeks of struggling had passed, I discovered I was actually enjoying myself, and soon I began racing. The community of those events and the opportunity to measure myself both against those around me and against my own personal limitations became very addictive. I had always been a fan of sports, and much of my happiness often seemed tied to the performance of my favorite athletes. As my running progressed, eventually branching into triathlon, I began to take a different view of such things. While I still enjoy watching sports, the outcome of those events is less significant to me. My own pursuits are now far more important. I know I will never possess the athleticism of many others, but I can still push to maximize what I’ve been given, and that pursuit gives me a sense of purpose. I am now a participant in life rather than a mere spectator.

My personality has never lent itself to coaching. This journey has been one I’ve undertaken largely on my own. That said, I’m not so foolish that I would do so without a map of some kind. I greedily consume whatever I can on the subject of running. Much I discard as not suitable for my needs, but a good deal I incorporate into my own routines and decision making. RW+ has been an invaluable resource in this regard.

Running serves many purposes for me. As far as daily training runs go, in addition to preparing me for the next race on the calendar, they are an opportunity to decompress. I inherited a genetic tendency to bottle up frustration, and nothing helps release that pressure like a run does. I’m fairly sure the answers to most of the world’s problems are out there somewhere on the roads and trails. I haven’t found them all yet, but I’m going to keep looking.

Given my choice, I prefer to run in the evening. It just feels like a perfect way to wrap up a day. That said, my schedule is such that I often have to fit it in when I can. Sometimes dark and early is the only option. The “when” is generally less important to me than the “where.”

Where I Run: Most of my runs take place around the streets of my town. There’s a particular loop I use with regularity that measures almost exactly six miles. That route has become important to me over the years as a means of mentally dividing a longer race into manageable pieces: “Just two more 199 laps, Tim.” Otherwise, I LOVE the trails. Frankly, anywhere that permits my mind to wander is suitable.

Shoes are obviously critical, but we all know those change, and over the years, I have transitioned through many different brands and models. If there’s a particular piece of equipment I’ve grown oddly attached to, it’s my Adidas cap. I generally prefer to run without anything on my head, largely because very few hats fit me, but prior to undertaking my Ironman race a few years ago, I decided I would need something to fend off the California sun during the marathon. I ordered the thing based on internet reviews, and it arrived two weeks before the big day. It got me through that race, and it has endured many others since. I still prefer a bare head, but when the elements demand protection, it is a reliable and comfortable friend.

To see as much of the world as I can on foot. My wife also runs, and destination races have become our passion. We are a little over twenty states into our pursuit of all fifty, and we seldom leave town anymore without researching races that coincide with our trip. I don’t foresee any change in that practice for a very long time. When we talk with people about our running, they often question how long our bodies can hold up to the pounding. The honest response is: I’m not sure, but I intend to find out.

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