Runner’s World+ Member: Sophie Kearney

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From Runner's World

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Sophie is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

Every time I lace up my sneakers, I run for both of us. My father has always been my greatest inspiration as an athlete. Ever since his accident, I’ve gained a completely new perspective on what it means to be able-bodied. I run because it’s a privilege to be able to do so. I know that every step I take is one that he would move mountains to do alongside me. It helps me when I am close to giving up; all I need to remind myself is what it would mean to get the chance to run alongside my father again, or for him to have the chance to be out on the road instead of me. It’s transformed running from a form of exercise to a way for me to be connected with my dad I never thought possible.

To be a part of a global community that motivates me, and to learn from industry experts and athletes alike on the latest gear, training plans, etc.

Running the outer loop in Prospect Park and the park on the East River that hooks into Battery Park and up the Westside Highway. Incredibly scenic sunrises and sunsets, and great for people watching!

Nike from head to toe.

I’ve never met a slice of pizza I didn’t like.

To run one more time with my dad, and to cross the finish line at the NYC Marathon as a native New Yorker. I’ve been an emotional (yes, I ugly cry every year) and proud spectator for as long as I can remember. I can’t imagine what it would actually feel like to participate.

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