Runner’s World+Member: Sharon King

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From Runner's World

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Sharon is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

I started running really young and ran so much I ended up hiring myself. At the time I was struggling with a bunch of addictions and exercise was one of them. The next time I ran was 20 years later, and I ran to accompany a partner. Interestingly, I started running because he received Runner’s World magazine. I read it every time it came in until I saw a story about some 70 year-olds running and felt like I should #getoffmyass and give it a try. I’ve learned a lot from running. It heals me when I’m hurting (emotionally), strengthens me in all kinds of ways and provides guide rails that keep me eating healthy and taking healthy actions.

I love the magazine, and I thought I might like the digital component as well.

I love how I feel when I get done. Not sure what it is, but I feel more clear-headed and my body feels strong. Besides, running is kind of badass at my age.

I love running trails but I don’t get to do them that often. My favorite running route now is in Saugatuck, Michigan on the lake. There is a 15K there in the fall that is multi-terrain, and I love the way I feel when I finish it. The route goes up 300 stairs over a dune, through the sand and woods and then back on the street to town. It’s called the Mount Baldhead Challenge, and I love that race.

I love my Garmin! Nothing like tracking my runs and posting on social media.

I’ve worked with two serial killers in my life. It certainly makes me question the extracurricular activities of my co-workers.

I didn’t run last year because I was grieving the loss of my running partner of years, my dog Ashok (she’s not dead, she is just too old to run anymore). So, my goal this year is to get back in running shape and run a 10K. I was ready until everything got canceled!

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