Runner’s World+ Member: Romy Michiels

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From Runner's World

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Romy is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print.

I started running merely as a cheap way to exercise. The last two years I have gone from running 5Ks two or three times a week, to running on average 50-60 km a week. Running is mentally and physically important to me and it keeps me going. It helps me set aside time for myself, put things into perspective, and makes me feel on top of the world. I signed up for my first race (a half marathon) in 2019 to do something for myself that would be challenging to see what I could achieve. I intentionally picked a race in Italy as I figured I would take a vacation afterwards and reward myself for all the sweating and kms I put in. While training for that half marathon, I realized how strong the human body is and how good it feels to explore it’s limits. That same year, I even ran my first marathon! There is a run for every occasion and mood—good runs, angry runs, relaxing runs, happy runs, difficult runs—but they all end with an incredible sense of accomplishment.

To get training plans for my marathon training, learn about new products, and be part of a community of other crazy runners.

Especially in the winter it is not always easy to venture out into the cold, but running fixes everything and does me good. Just a training schedule to get ready for another race is enough motivation.

The early morning runs in the summer around sunrise with the deer... what a way to start the day. On the dark and gloomy days which we are plenty here, I think back to my half marathon in Como and envision running along the lake where I forget I am running.

My Diadora wind jacket to keep me nice and warm during those chilly running days.

I never liked running growing up; clearly I outgrew that. I intentionally keep on picking races in places I want to visit or vacation. Combine business with pleasure so to speak :-). Reward myself for all the training and hard work.

A sub-4 hour Berlin marathon in 2021...well actually 3 hours and 45 minutes (there’s a family rivalry) and I hope to do a half or full ironman in 2022.

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