Runner’s World+ Member: Robin Larrabee

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From Runner's World

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Robin is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print.

Running has changed me completely, wholly, fully. As someone who struggles with osteoarthritis in the knees since her teens, I’ve come to realize how beneficial running is. I grew up thin and fit, lost some of that as I grew older, and then grew bigger. Running has changed how I view me and my world. Running is my morning “coffee” (since I don’t drink it). It is my connection to me and to the world. It makes me a better me.

Duh! The perks!

I fell down the stairs at work. Right smack into a student who was more startled than I. So, I started running to make myself healthier. Then that snowballed into running to lose weight. That snowballed into making myself healthier for life. I tease my kids (almost 21 and 18) that I am making sure I will be here to haunt them forever. They motivate me. I want to be here for them and their future families. I want them to be proud of me. I don’t want to miss a moment because I “just couldn’t” make it.

Boring story. My short, daily runs are through my local area at 4 AM. My longer runs have taken me to many places that I have never been before with no particular route; just a gut feeling.

Apple watch (if it didn’t log, does it really count?).

I’m pretty boring. I’m a school teacher (second career), mom, and I have a new knee named Henrietta (Henny for short) that I got in 2019. She’s been wonderful. I got into the NYC Marathon on my first try in 2018. I loved it.

For me and Henny to run NYC (again) and/or Chicago, Marine Corps (again). Henny hasn’t done a marathon, but the rest of me has done two!

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