Runner’s World+ Member: Ray Knerr

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From Runner's World

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Ray is a Runner’s World+ member. Join him and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

I first found my passion for running while competing in high school and then running for Fresno State in college. My closest friends and best life experiences have been associated with running. My coaches have been role models and I have met many inspirational people. From track to cross country to marathons and championships—it has been a wonderful journey. Being a teacher, I have also had the joy and privilege of being a track coach. When I turned 50 I discovered a new joy of running on the track again. I love the self satisfaction of taking the steps needed to train for a goal.

Running has also been an outlet for many challenges in my life. It reduces stress and has given me an outlet to challenge myself. My wife Diane was a 15 year brain cancer surviver, but four years ago passed away after a brave fight. Her challenges have put my running in perspective and her life reminds me to appreciate special moments and loved ones and make each day count.

I love reading all of the articles about other athletes, events, training tips, race results, and amazing news about the sport of running!

Honestly running make me feel alive. When I don’t run or exercise I feel like my muscles are losing their purpose and strength. I love the feeling after a workout or hard effort—it is what we are born to do and using our body is the only thing we really need and own to enjoy our life. I am also motivated to get out the door and train for races because I know that my future competitors are also training.

I usually run near and through the many avocado and citrus orchards near my home. One of my favorite “no brainer” runs near Ventura is called Sulphur Mountain. What I love about this run is that it is a simple out and back dirt road in the back country away from cars and streets and is all up hill for as many miles as you wish. It really makes you strong—then you simply return on the down hill always running faster on the way back and feeling great!

I usually run five days per week in the late afternoon on school days which includes a high quality Wednesday night track workout with my local running club. I don’t do many double workouts anymore. One long run on the weekend is also added when training for competition totaling 30-35 miles per week with a rest day each week.

I am not really obsessed with any specific brand or equipment but I do enjoy listening to music while running with my “old school” Apple iPod shuffles. I have different playlists on four different colored iPods. When Apple stopped making them I bought extras in case they ever break or I lose them!

I hope to run faster next year at age 60 than anyone believes possible. I want to show others just how much you can achieve if you believe in yourself. Most older runners think that loss of speed and strength is inevitable as you age—I want to prove them wrong! I will compete at World Masters track championships in the 800 and 1500 meters next year.

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