Runner’s World+ Member: Paul Lee

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Paul is a Runner’s World+ member. Join him and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print.

I started running in medical school. When I was in college, my roommates who were high school friends from Red Wing, MN, trained for the Chicago Marathon for a few months and ran it. They were both cross country runners and were familiar with running and at that age, our bodies could do anything with only a few months of training.

I was inspired by them and several years later, I signed up for a marathon in my last year of medical school and trained about six months and to finish the 1998 Philadelphia Marathon. Since then, I have dabbled in running. I have always wanted to run the NYC Marathon and entered the lottery for it for several years without success. Miraculously, I was granted a spot through the lottery in early 2019. When I first received notification about, I thought it was a prank from a friend but when I double-checked, I was both elated and horrified to find out that it was true. I had completed a few Olympic distance triathlons but training for a marathon is another level of commitment. I joined NewRo Runners but unfortunately, I had an injury a month prior to the race. I deferred my entry and will use it next year. It will be a bittersweet moment when I cross the finish line in Central Park in 2021.

I joined RW+ so I could get tips on how to become a better runner and read inspiring stories about fellow runners.

I run because my day always seem to be better on the mornings that I run. There are moments during a run where my legs are gliding smoothly and my heart and breath are not labored but working hard, where each breath seems to be so full, where your body seems to be in a peaceful but heightened state. I am not sure if I would call it a runner’s high but it certainly is a calm and energetic state. It cannot be achieved in any other activity other than running. I keep going back to running for that peaceful and energetic state.

My early morning Tuesday and Thursday running group makes loops on a street with a wide shoulder and the complete loop is six miles. It is a good place to train because it is so simple. My town has a beach which I always try to run by when I’m by myself. I have fallen more in love with my town because of its’ proximity to the water. We do not plan to leave my town for a long time.

A lot of my early morning runs are in the pitch dark. My friend introduced me to a small light which I clip on to my shirt when I run. It is very bright, light, and effective. It is like my safety blanket. I would be lost without it.

My day job is an ophthalmologist. I work four days a week at a teaching hospital and one day a week in a private practice. I am also currently serving as president of one of the largest ophthalmology alumni networks in the country. I love what I do during the day but I feel like running has introduced me to an alternate life outside of work. I do not think I would be as effective at work if it weren’t for my running. My wife and three kids are supportive of my training. I do most of my training in the early morning so I am available to my family for the rest of the day. I also enjoy playing poker and watching the NFL. If I am not at work, running, swimming, or biking, I may be at a card game or watching a game.

My immediate running goal is to complete the NYC Marathon and I also want to complete an Ironman after that. I do not have a time goal for the marathon. I just want to finish strong and be able to move well after the race.

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