Runner’s World+ Member: Mary-Katherine Fleming

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From Runner's World

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Mary-Katherine is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

My dad suffered a massive heart attack when I was five years old; he was sent home with explicit instructions to strengthen his heart muscles with moderate exercise. We lived in rural TN, far from gyms and rehab centers, so jogging was the lowest-hanging fruit on the list. 35 years later, I am still jogging with a heart rate monitor and he is still living; it’s not an exaggeration to say that running saved my family.

Running also gave me a second career. In 2013 I was new to Denver, a full-time parent to a one-year old girl and six months pregnant with my second child. I needed HELP to get ready for the NYC Marathon later that year, so after several unsuccessful attempts to find the help I needed I decided to become the coach I was looking to hire. Today, the Fitness Protection Program has a full-time staff of five, serves 300 clients in seven countries and our podcast, Running Life, reaches more runners than I ever imagined.

The hooks upon which my identity hung before I had kids (equity trader, marathon runner, expat), all disappeared except for running. Those new-parent years were an identity crisis of sorts, and clinging to the “runner” hook kept my head above water. It’s no exaggeration to say that running saved my family, twice!

First, I believe in paying for things. I love running-related content and am happy to put money down to make sure I never run out of it; I still miss Running Times every day!

Second, Runner’s World is doing great things right now, covering all of the angles that I care about, the question is more, "why WOULDN’T you join RW+?" it’s great value, and a cool community to boot!

Honestly, once upon a time it was fear. My body was a ticking time bomb; I had to get and stay as fit as possible or else I would have a heart attack at 33 just like my dad. Over time it came to serve a different purpose: a moving meditation, space in my day that was uniquely mine, time where I wasn’t doing or responding or creating or planning, true leisure time. In a day and age where we are encouraged to be productive ALL THE TIME and monetize our side hustles and give 100% of ourselves 100% of the time, my daily jog feels like a revolutionary act. I don’t really need a nudge to get out the door, I need a reason to stop!

First thing in the morning for 30-60 minutes, then a second (when I can) in the evening for 20-30 minutes three or four days per week. I plan my day around the first run or ‘the big run’ as I refer to it, then grab a second, ‘little run’ whenever I have childcare (my husband travels for work Monday to Thursday).

I will never forget my first time driving southbound on University Blvd in Denver—those hills were breathtaking! When I started training for Jack and Jill’s Downhill Marathon three years later, those intimidating hills started calling me. Its wide, well-maintained sidewalks that are brightly lit at 5 a.m. were a bonus! Later, I realized the stoplights were roughly one mile apart so eventually I started heading there for tempo runs. Every time I feel weak I head here to remind myself that I’m stronger than I think I am, and the route never disappoints. It’s without a doubt my favorite running route in Denver. You can see it right here.

OOOOOH....great question! It’s really hard to choose! My absolute favorites are a pair of Lululemon bun-huggers I purchased in like 2010. They were designed for hot yoga and fit like granny panties with ruching. Most bun-huggers are too skimpy in the front or slide around in the back, these bad boys stay PUT! I bought every pair I could find on ebay and hope they last a lifetime! (I wore them in the cover photo here, this was taken at the 2016 Philadelphia Marathon:

I want to run with my kids and grandkids. I want to be the awkwardly old woman pushing a jogging stroller up University Blvd well into my 80s. I absolutely want to get fitter and faster now that my family is complete, but that’s short-term, really. Life is a marathon, and I intend to jog every day that I am able, keeping my heart as strong as possible with my daily act of revolution, and supporting every runner out there who wants to be #coachedandloved.

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