Runner’s World+ Member: Marianela Ramsdell

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From Runner's World

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Marianela is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print.

I was very athletic until 17, when a lot of pain in my back, radiating to my legs, put an end to my athletic life. I had to go through many backbone surgeries and a long path to recovery just to get a normal life. It took me four long years to get back to being normal.

Running was something many doctors had said was not going to be possible. One day I went to the gym with my husband and the only machine I liked was the treadmill. After a year of steadily increasing my mileage, my body was better than ever. So I kept pushing the limits!

I started to defy many doctors’ judgements because I felt full of energy and free of mental blockers while running. Today, I love the sweet balance of the effort you put in and the gains—there are no shortcuts. It is just you and how much you are willing to put in to get to the next level. It is a simple math, it is discipline and love for the process of growing. It is the challenge and the rewarding journey.

I love the community, tips, guidance, coach, and running plans. People are generous, diverse, inclusive, and they will always encourage you; it is an amazing community to be part of.

I feel at peace when I run, after a crazy day at work, with so many conference calls my mind just feels overloaded and exhausted. On days when I have zero energy, I will just lace up my shoes and go out, because I know once I start running my whole self will be fully re-energized and ready to start the rest of the day with the battery 100% charged.

I usually run from Madeira Beach to St. Pete Beach; I have a love-hate relationship with this route. It’s a 20-mile loop of gorgeous scenery and nature everywhere but I have 10 bridges to cross, so it is the toughest route around. As runners we need hills, so I do this route for the long runs, otherwise FL is super flat.

One piece of gear I definitely love are my Nike Pro Shorts; I probably have 20 pairs of them. Between the heat and the humidity all year in Florida, these shorts are a must have.

I try to fit my training in when I can, which includes balance, strength, running, and walking. During my business hours, if I am in video calls, chances are I am wearing a business top and running shorts below. My husband set up a gym at home during the pandemic, so I am ready to roll as soon if I have a five minutes break.

My list of running goals is large but for next year I will continue to push my marathon PR and push for distance. I would like to run the Appalachian JFK 50 Mile.

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