Runner’s World+ Member: Lynn Glenn

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Lynn is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print.

Running has let me be my best mentally and physically. I feel that there is nothing that I cannot do in any aspect of life. It has made me bold as well, driving and traveling to various races, usually by myself.

As I get older, I know that many people put physical pursuits to the side. I do even more! I believe that if I can keep running as I go into my 70s, 80s, and beyond, that I will be doing the most I can to stay fit and live productively. Also, it is fun! I am doing more trail races now and I have so much fun doing them. Also, I meet such great people everywhere I go and make friends at every race. I belong to several running clubs and join them for team events.

I run anywhere I can! Usually around my neighborhood because I have it measured out and it is a safe route. Also, I run races as often as I can.

I started wearing Brooks shoes a couple years ago and I love the way they fit. I have a ton of running t-shirts from previous races and try to give them each some attention, haha! I also love running tights with pockets because I like to have my cell phone with me to connect to Strava. I also could not do without my Fitbit.

I am an education junkie and have four Master’s degrees, several certifications, and I’m now in a Doctor of Health Science program. I never want to stop learning or running.

To keep running into my 90s (or beyond!). When you believe in yourself, there is nothing you can’t do! I have run several half marathons and hope to do another one in the fall of 2021. I want to do at least one half marathon a year. I am too busy to train for a full marathon!

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