Runner’s World+ Member: Leslie Haverstock

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From Runner's World

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Leslie is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

Running has brought beautiful friendships into my life and has made me stronger and more confident with each stride. As a Masters runner, I know there won’t be a PR at every race, but I’m always excited to push myself and prove that age is just a number. Running goals keep the fire burning.

I joined RW+ because I value the publication and content produced. Keeping a pulse on the industry, reading about the pros, and learning about products, injury prevention and other tidbits keeps running fun and interesting.

As a special education teacher, I work with children that have physical impairments. I see their struggles and watch them do the best with what their body is capable of. Oftentimes, just grasping an item is a workout for them. I have a capable body and I shouldn’t take it for granted. I can name many that would gladly trade bodies with me. Plus... as the world is learning right at this moment, teaching is hard. Running off the stress makes me a better educator.

I live in Santa Cruz and have my choice of a scenic ocean route of gorgeous trails in the redwood forest. My most favorite route is one that takes me from Sea Cliff State Beach into the Forest of Nisene Marks all in a matter of miles.

I love my Lululemon Speed Up shorts. A runner has got to show off those hard-earned and gorgeous legs, and these shorts do just that. I think they are flattering on all shapes and sizes.

I grew up in the country and live in a beach town where fashion doesn’t exist. I love to wear high heels and fancy clothes, dresses, so I’ve been described as “farm fancy.” Ha! Ha!

My running goal is to be running well into retirement and beyond.

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