Runner’s World+ Member: James Soldner

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From Runner's World

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James is a Runner’s World+ member. Join him and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

Running has helped me to be a healthier, happier, and more confident person, as well as hopefully a more effective husband, father, and working professional. Running has also helped me develop friendships and relationships with people that I likely would not have ever met, if it were not for running. As a former collegiate athlete, running has also allowed me to continue to personally pursue athletic goals and compete at a high level, even as a masters runner. Competing in races has also allowed me to explore new places and experience new cultures, either by myself or with my family.

To be a part of healthy, like-minded community and to take the best of what other’s have to offer as individuals and incorporate into my own running and my own overall benefit.

I have many motivators to run, including: 1) Physical and mental health benefits from running, 2) Social component and friendship with other runners and training partners, 3) Holding myself accountable to the training needed for a goal race, and 4) Competition and the thrill of friendly competitive races with other fellow runners.

I live in the seacoast area of southern New Hampshire and Maine and therefore really enjoy the many coastal routes along the Atlantic Ocean. The views of the ocean and marine life while running along these coastal routes are a great reminder of the beautiful area that I live and work. I typically run in the morning, but with a wife and four small children, my runs are also at lunch or in the evenings, as needed. I typically do not run 2x in a day, instead dedicate the time needed for one sustained run, whether it be speed work, long run, or a recovery run.

I really enjoy my Garmin 645 Music sports watch, which has all the necessary features for running performance and tracks and which also allows me to play downloaded music and playlists, as well as podcasts while running.

To finish sub-2:40 and obtain a personal record (PR) at the 2020 Boston Marathon.

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