Runner’s World+ Member: Helen Weselcouch Terry

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From Runner's World

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Helen is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print.

As a kid, I was intimidated by running. My older brother was a running phenom and watching him train gave me the sense that running was a brutal series of times and PRs, wins and losses. When I started running on the same high school team, I would push myself so hard to achieve that same greatness, but I hated it. I eventually had to have reconstructive surgery on my ankle and part me was thrilled. This was my excuse! I no longer needed to run in fear of not living up to my potential.

I let about ten years go by without running at all when I signed up for a 10K as a way to get back in shape. No one was more surprised than I was when I finished with my best time ever. I did a virtual half marathon in October. I didn’t push myself too hard training; I just ran every day. I’ve never performed better in a race. Everything is better when you’re enjoying yourself and not acting as your own worst enemy. If every effort is done with joy, at the end of the day you’re so much better for it.

I joined RW+ because for the first time in my life, I feel like a runner. I want to celebrate that feeling by giving myself a gift that keeps me motivated and feeling like I’m part of a supportive community.

I run because every step makes me better. A better runner, a better person, a more patient athlete. I run because it feels like every step is a message to my younger self reminding her to honor her body and cherish the feeling regardless of the number on the stopwatch.

I run down the East River, through Battery Park, and up the West Side. Every single step of that route takes my breath away. From the bridges to the Statue of Liberty to the Freedom Tower. You can’t beat it.

I cannot run without my Nathan Hipster Waist Belt. I had been shopping for shorts with pockets forever until I found it and now it goes with me everywhere. It keeps my keys close to my body so they don’t jangle and makes my phone so easy to access.

I moonlight as a trivia host.

My immediate goal is to run a marathon (fingers crossed London 2021!) but my long term goal is to run forever. If I can shuffle down East River Park at 85 and feel the same joy I feel now I would consider myself the luckiest lady in town.

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