Runner’s World+Member: Danielle Buglino

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From Runner's World

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Danielle is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

Running never changed who I am, but rather it made me who I am. I started running when I was 12 years old in middle school—and I believe there has been nothing in my life more influential and instrumental in what has shaped me into the 23-year-old woman I am today. Running has taught me the power and showed me the unbreakable bond shared among the girls on a team. It has shown me the beauty of being connected with nature on a solitary run. It has taught me, the hard way, the power and reward of discipline—of the mind, body, and heart. It has proven to me what hard work, perseverance, and consistency can bring you. It has taught me that success and progress are relative, and every small step of progress is a personal victory. Running has made me humble and patient, because it has given me my greatest moments of joy, and just as easily broken my heart. Running has become and will continue to be an integral part of my identity—when someone asks me, “who are you?” my immediate response, “I am a runner.”

One of the best parts about running is the community! Despite the many hours spent alone on runs, it is not a solitary sport. We are all joined together by our hearts and the love of putting one foot in front of the other. I joined RW+ to be a part of another running community; to feel connected to more people around the world that share the same passion I feel in my heart.

What gets me out the door, despite any obstacles of cold rain, the end of a long day, a lazy morning, or sore legs, is that desire to feel like myself. It’s no secret that not every run takes place on a beautiful sunny day, with full motivation, and no reservations on how it might be painful or challenging. I think this is the question runners get most often: why do you like running? How can you actually enjoy it!?”. This question always brings a smile to my face, because it’s what makes us as runners completely unique. We all have different motivations to run, but they are all bounded by this crazy desire to relish in the euphoria of pushing our bodies to new limits, to places we never thought possible. My motivation to run is that inevitable connection that takes place between the mind and body, when my legs kick into gear, the endorphins rush, and I settle into my rhythm. That’s where I feel at peace; that’s where I feel like me.

My willpower to run has really been tested in the past year and a half. Since graduating college, I moved back home to Long Island, NY, and I commute to midtown Manhattan every day to work. That means leaving home at 6 AM, and getting back at 8 PM. Finding the time to run, let alone train for the half marathons and full marathon I recently ran, has required a great deal of sacrifice and a real test of spirit. Specifically, as a female runner, I’ve never felt fully safe running in the dark. The sun is not up when I leave for work and it’s set when I get home. Monday-Friday, I am either at my local gym on the treadmill at 4:30 AM, or at night around 8:30 PM (however I recently got a headlamp for Christmas and I’ve enjoyed wearing that on morning runs in the dark!). Weekends are highly anticipated for me outside of being off work, for the ability to do a long run in the daylight is possible. Feeling the sun on my skin during a run is something I have a whole new appreciation for, and these runs are never taken for granted.

My favorite place to run is Sunken Meadow State Park, in Long Island. It holds a tremendous amount of sentimental value for me. Long Island runners that grew up competing in cross country will know this park well, because it is where most middle school and high school meets are held. I raced and trained at Sunken Meadow for the first six years of my running career, from my first cross country practice ever in seventh grade, until my last high school race when I was seventeen (where I came in first!). So many afternoons were spent there with my team: winding through the muddy trails, trudging up Cardiac Hill (if you know, you know), and flying towards the finish line parallel with the North Shore Beach. Many weekends were spent there as well, huddled in the cold awaiting our start time, and doing our stretches, prayers, and nuanced rituals at the start line. When I return to Sunken Meadow now to run, I feel this ingrained sense of history and belonging—like this is where it all began for me.

My favorite piece of running gear isn’t a favorite pair of sneakers, a beloved T-shirt, or a lucky pair of socks. It’s my braid. That may sound strange, but having my hair in a braid is my personal tradition in racing. It all started on those early morning bus rides to cross country meets, where all the girls would sit in a line through the aisle of the bus and braid each others’ hair. We had matching bows with our school colors to go at the end of it, and to this day it’s something I can’t race without. Although I can’t lay it out the night before, I always carve out the extra five minutes on race-day morning to do my braid. Although I have to do it myself now, it makes me feel connected to my team again and all my past races.

I have two running goals. The first is more short-term. I am running the NYC Marathon this upcoming November 2020 with the Children’s Tumor Foundation NF Team. My stepfather has neurofibromatosis and I am fundraising to run with this team in honor of him. I ran my first marathon last October in Baltimore and accomplished my goal of breaking 4 hours. This time, I am trying to break 3:50!

My long term goal for running is to never lose my passion for it, to always appreciate every run, and hopefully share this incredible sport with others. I have recently gotten my mom into running, and seeing her enjoy it brings me more joy than any of my own runs! I love this feeling and hope to use my love for the sport to expand the running community.

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