Runner’s World+ Member: Christopher Zelonis

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From Runner's World

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Christopher is a Runner’s World+ member. Join him and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

I started walking and then running 20 years ago, when my (now-deceased) parents’ health problems were getting serious and I was heading in the same direction. I lost 50+ pounds, most of which I have kept off. My diet is healthier. Regular, intense physical activity, formerly something I had avoided at all costs, became a great interest, to the point of running eight marathons (two of them Boston; I PR’d in Harrisburg with 3:00:16). I still run regularly and mix in elliptical training. I hope my care for body and soul can inspire people to do what they thought was impossible or unlikely.

I want to support the media that promote professional and recreational running. I enjoy information about training, recovery, and gear. I appreciate the inspiring and informative writing.

At first, I enjoyed surprising myself with what I could achieve. I enjoyed a relative impunity with dietary indulgences (I used to, anyhow). Some days I’m happier at the end of the run; I enjoy having done it more than doing it. But when I get started, I become invigorated. I enjoy my surroundings, especially in the fall, and my inner landscape improves.

I run late afternoon around 4 p.m., give or take an hour. When I lived in or near my hometown I used to run after dark because the territory was familiar. I don’t like doing anything in the morning. I’ve grown fond of the D&L (Delaware and Lehigh River) Trail that runs through Lehighton. I drive to different trailheads and run different parts of the trail. The town is well-lit and full of hills. High school tracks are great for speed work.

My Nike+ Apple Watch keeps good records. I wear a rotation of various shoe brands and styles. Goodr sunglasses don’t move around and their color schemes are wild. I wear bright color singlets and shorts (neon, blaze orange). Since I shave my head, I wear hats all year round.

Since I got so close to sub-3 in Harrisburg, I would like to go under, but I won’t break my back over it. My goal is to keep running regularly (several days a week) and as injury-free as possible (I have nagging foot issues). I want to stick to a 7-minute mile pace on daily runs. I run local 5Ks, and want to get closer to 18 minutes (18:52 PR).

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