Runner’s World+ Member: Christi Dee

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From Runner's World

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Christi is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

Every run changes me in some way. Sometimes in small ways, and other times in big ways. Over the course of thousands of miles throughout the years, I have learned how strong I am. Running has helped me find peace and bring closure to some difficult personal experiences that I faced earlier in life. Getting up to start an early morning run when I’d rather stay in bed has taught me that I can accomplish so much just by finding the courage to begin. Finishing the last hard miles of every long training run renews my confidence and belief in myself. Running has also been a powerful means for connecting with others and developing deep friendships. Runners can connect quickly on a very profound level by sharing the struggles as well as the triumphs. I am driven to achieve, and running provides an outlet to continue accomplishing big things. As a metaphor for life, running and the marathon have taught me perspective, perseverance, strength, continued commitment and to never, ever give up.

I joined RW+ because I love being connected with like-minded people. I find inspiration in the stories I read about from other runners and I hope in a small way to inspire those in the running community as well.

I find motivation to run through a variety of channels. I run to stay active and fit. I run to achieve goals, whether that’s just finishing a race, or clocking a PR. I run to set a positive example for my family and friends. I run because it keeps me grounded and humble. Sometimes just driving by another runner out there getting the miles in motivates me to go home and lace up my running shoes. I can get motivated to hit the pavement by reading an article about a runner overcoming adversities, or from watching a World Major on TV. Not least important, I also run for the guiltless pizza and beer afterwards!

Ideally, I like to lace up first thing in the morning, but if my schedule prevents that or the weather doesn’t cooperate, I fit in my run another time of day. Recently while training for the 2019 BMW Berlin Marathon, I got in my long 20 mile run on a cold and dark Friday night in October in order to avoid the thunderstorms that were in the forecast the following morning.

I love the network of paved trails that are easily accessible by walking out my front door. Without driving anywhere, I can step outside and immediately run dozens of miles along my choice of beautifully paved trails. My two favorite trails in Central Indiana are the Midland Trace Trail and the Monon Trail. When I first started running, I clocked all my miles on the Monon Trail, and to this day still feel very connected to this trail. I feel like I know every tree and every landmark along that trail by heart. I usually decide which trail to run and my route based on the distance I have planned as well as the time of day and even the time of year. I know which direction to go if I want to stay in the shade during the hot summer months and which stretch of trail has the prettiest leaves in the fall. .

You can always find me running in a pair of Oiselle Roga Shorts and Asics Gel Nimbus. These have been staples in my running wardrobe for as long as I can remember. Likewise, you will never find me running with headphones and music.

Currently my running goal is to finish all six of the Abbott World Marathon Majors. I have completed Chicago (11 times), New York City (2014) and Berlin (2019). I am scheduled to run Tokyo and London both during the 2020 season, in March and April respectively, and I hope to complete my 6 Star journey in Boston in April of 2021.

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