Runner’s World+ Member: Caroline Mosley

Photo credit:  Damion Alexander Team
Photo credit: Damion Alexander Team

From Runner's World

Photo credit:  Damion Alexander Team
Photo credit: Damion Alexander Team

Caroline is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

Running has made me resilient. If you put your mind and body into something and keep showing up, good things will come from it. I’ve moved to a different state and pivoted my career every few years the past decade. But through it all, I’ve kept running consistently, which keeps me sane and helps me meet people! That’s another way running has changed my life–the best friends and community I’ve created through running. Even though I’ve moved, I still stay in touch with all my friends through Strava and social media. It’s fun cheering on running friends from afar!

I wanted to expand my running community and see what goals and tips people have all over the world.

Running is my alone time, my social time and my favorite way to experience the world. Whenever I need to think about something (or maybe not think at all), I lace up my shoes and push myself out the door. If nothing else goes right that day, at least I got out the door in the sunshine and fresh air and just can just appreciate being alive.

I prefer to run first thing in the morning–it jump starts my day. I do run in the evening at least once per week when I run with my running community here in Tucson, The Workout Group. Living in the desert of Arizona gives me a newfound appreciation for trail running. The Arizona Trail is within an hour of my front door, and I’ve spent many hours training there for my recently completed ultra (Colossal-Vail 55km). There’s nothing like seeing the sun come up over the desert to appreciate brutal beauty of this incredible landscape.

I cannot get enough of my Goodr sunglasses–especially with the sun shining most days here in Arizona, you need to protect your eyes. The UV protection and fun colors always make my outfit pop (I have several pairs)!

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