Runner’s World+ Member: Ben Kassel

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From Runner's World

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Ben is a Runner’s World+ member. Join him and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

I started running because I was over 300 lbs. about four years ago. I wanted to make a life change and not die prematurely for being unhealthy. I started running a mile outside, and then just increased from there. After I lost about 50 lbs. I entered a 5K just for fun and ran 20:50, which was good for 1st in my age group and 4th overall. After that I was hooked. I realized I might be a pretty good runner. I trained my ass off and dropped down to 170 lbs., running 90+ miles a week.

I race over 80+ races a year, including 14 marathons. I have won countless races, came in 10th place overall in the NC USATF 5K Championships, 15th place overall at the St. George Marathon in 2:36:05, 4th overall at Jack and Jill’s Marathon in 2:38:30. My PR for the 5K is 16:10, 10k 34:20, and Marathon 2:36:05. I have won over $5,000 in total prize money. I was not a runner in college, or even in high school, and now I am competing and winning against college athletes. This year alone I have already raced 12 marathons, all in different states, all under three hours. Running has not changed my life—it has transformed it. I always think of my life in two phases: before running and after running.

I joined RW+ because I am always looking for the latest and greatest gear/training/supplements and RW+ gives me access to all the great content that I can pore over to glean information to make me a better runner.

I run the same route everyday, unless its a track workout. An eight mile loop around where I work and sometimes I will double it if I need extra miles. My Sunday long runs depend on the distance, but I usually start from home. I run mainly at lunch time—the high heat of the day makes the training harder but it hardens me and makes my weekend races seem easy.

Nike Vaporfly 4%—I don’t run a marathon without them.

It’s my all consuming goal to run 2:18:50 to qualify for the Olympic Time Trials in the marathon.

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