Runner’s World+ Member: Becky Hoffman

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From Runner's World

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Becky is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

I never ran growing up, or did any physical activity outside of PE at school. No one in my family was an “athlete”; we preferred spending summers indoors at the library or singing and playing piano. In college, while I put all that summer reading to use as an English major, I picked up running as a way to lose a few pounds—I needed an activity that a student working to put herself through school could afford. I had a pair of sneakers and didn’t need a fancy membership somewhere. Within a few months of running, I was down 15 pounds and had completed my first ever race—a half marathon! Crossing the finish line was a feeling of accomplishment and joy unlike I’d ever experienced, and I knew that this new activity was going to be a part of my life forever. Aside from a few months when I was on bed rest during my pregnancy with my son, I’ve been running regularly. It has become my stress-reliever, it’s widened my social circle, and given me quality time with my son when I run with him in the stroller.

I joined RW+ because I couldn’t wait in between issues of the magazine to arrive in my mailbox! Some people drink their coffee and watch the news each morning, and I drink my coffee while scrolling through Runner’s World+ articles.

I run for so many reasons, but one main reason is that I almost always feel better emotionally after a run. When I’m stressed and anxious, it calms me down. When I’m fired up or angry, it gives me time to process and think. Running helped get me through postpartum depression after my son was born. Perhaps more importantly, running has defined me in beautiful new ways: strong, fierce, and full of endurance. And finally, running has helped this self-described cynical introvert connect with people in beautiful and surprising ways. At the end of the first marathon I ran (the 2013 Chicago Marathon), a stranger saw me walking at the 26 mile mark and grabbed my hand. We ran to the finish line hand-in-hand. I never caught his name or learned who he was, but his kindness has stuck with me. During a half marathon, someone who’d been running behind me for almost the entirety of the race caught up and ran alongside me to the finish. She said I’d kept her going so it was her turn to help me. And just a few days ago, when my second marathon was cancelled due to COVID-19, I ran the inaugural Becky Hoffman Marathon. This included “aid stations” where friends provided water every few miles, a handmade finisher’s medal, t-shirt, a friend to run the last 5 miles with me, and my wife, son, and family cheering me on at the “finish line” with a handmade finish line tape to run through. The local news station even came out to the finish to run a story on the race.

I’m lucky to live in Santa Barbara, so most of my runs are from my front door to the beach, to the Santa Barbara Mission, or through our beautiful downtown. Even after 15 years living here, I am regularly struck with awe that I get to run through this city every day. I am also part of a running group called the Santa Barbara Striders, and we frequently run along the bike path that parallels the ocean. There’s a great route from the wharf up a hill to a park and back, and after we run, we gather for breakfast and conversation. It’s amazing how much the prospect of hot coffee and a croissant motivates me to log those miles!

Much to my wife’s embarrassment, I love to run in a bright, colorful pair ofHoka Cliftons. I’ve been rocking Cliftons since their early days back when the minimalist shoe look was popular and cushioned shoes like the Clifton were sort of goofy-looking. Well look at them now! Comfortable and cool...right?

I once hid in the principal’s office in high school because I was afraid of getting beat up. Earlier in the day, my sister and I were in PE class and that day’s activity was running the mile. We noticed a few girls cheat and cut corners, so like the goody-two-shoes I was, I ratted them out to the PE teacher. When they found out, they challenged my sister and I to a fistfight after school by the flagpole. While I hid in the principal’s office, my sister waited for them by the flagpole. The girls never showed up, and my sister became the brave hero.

My running goal is to complete a trail marathon! I’d signed up for one this month that ended up being postponed, so I ran my own road marathon instead. However, I plan on getting out there and completing a trail marathon in the near future. I’m coming for you, Catalina Eco Marathon!

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