Runner’s World+ Member: Beau Wisecup

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From Runner's World

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Beau is a Runner’s World+ member. Join him and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!

I started running about three years ago just to try to get in shape. I didn’t really enjoy it that much but I wanted to stick with it. Things started to get easier as I developed a base and I gradually started increasing my mileage. When my daughter was born in March of 2018, running became a way to clear my mind for an hour or two and just be alone and free my mind of responsibilities. Since then I’ve run my first marathon in Des Moines and am currently training for the Twin Cities marathon.

I joined RW+ for the tips, workouts and training plans. I’m currently using the breaking 2:00 half marathon plan.

I run to keep myself sane. I know if I’m not feeling like running or even doing anything, I will feel better after I’ve finished a run no matter how the run went.

My home is about three blocks away from the Iowa State University cross country course. It’s a beautiful course and it’s easy to split off anywhere on it to connect to central campus, which is also beautiful.

I’ve been wearing the Brooks Glycerin 17 for about 250 miles now. They still feel great and have plenty of tread where some other shoes I’ve tried were dead after that many miles.

I studied turf grass management in college and had an internship in Highland Park, IL just north of Chicago. My boss had built the putting green at Michael Jordan’s home in Lake Forest. They let me go with one day and I was allowed to mow his green.

Run a marathon a year, maybe qualify for Boston someday.

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