This Is the Rudest Thing You Can Do Online

When you’re interacting with others online, it can be easy to forget that on the other end of the World Wide Web, there are living, breathing people. The things you do on the internet have repercussions in the so-called real world, and that means that you should try to follow the basic rules of etiquette and be considerate of others whenever possible. While there are plenty of ways that you can be rude online, perhaps one of the most inconsiderate things you can do is forget that RSVPing to e-vites is a real confirmation that you’ll be attending an event.

Etiquette Mistakes You Need to Stop Making by Age 30

An e-vite, whether it’s sent via social media, event website or email can feel like a casual thing. It may be tempting to respond positively to an online invitation immediately and worry about the logistics or whether or not you actually will be going later. However, everything about throwing a party or hosting an event, from the amount of food and drinks needed to the space and number of chairs required, depends on numbers. And hosts will rely on confirmed RSVPs to determine the resources they need for their event.

If a friend invites you to their housewarming party on Facebook or your sister-in-law invites you to her gender reveal party via Paperless Post and you say you’re going, you better make sure you treat the e-vite as if the invite was sent in a more traditional manner.

Of course, you should respond to an invitation as soon as possible, and that extends to e-vites. So follow the standard rules of RSVP etiquette and RSVP ASAP. If you received an invitation but aren’t sure of your schedule, let the host know you received the invitation and will be sending along a confirmation of your plans when your calendar is in order. But no matter what you do, make sure you treat an e-vite like any other invitation. Forgetting to do so is actually one of the rudest things you can do online.