Can I Use Rubbing Alcohol to Bring Down a Fever?

Medically reviewed by Jennifer Pollard Ruiz, MD

Rubbing alcohol does not reduce fevers, and it can be dangerous.

Applying rubbing alcohol (isopropanol) to the skin with a washcloth or cotton ball is one of the folk remedies for treating a fever. You should not try it.

This article explains why rubbing alcohol does not reduce a fever and the dangers it could cause. It also explains how fever is often treated and when to see a healthcare provider.

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Why It Doesn't Work

Rubbing alcohol evaporates rapidly after it's applied to the skin. In fact, this is exactly the problem: As it evaporates, it cools the skin too quickly, which can cause chills and make you shiver. This response signals the body that you're cold, causing it to turn up your "internal thermostat" even higher.

The bigger point is that cooling the skin doesn't do anything to lower the body's temperature. So while rubbing alcohol may provide an immediate cooling sensation, it's a fleeting comfort, at best. If you or your child is uncomfortable because of a fever, doctors recommend a lukewarm bath—without alcohol—to provide short-term relief.

Rubbing alcohol is used in medical settings, such as clinics and hospitals, to disinfect medical tools like stethoscopes, scissors, and thermometers. Alcohol towelettes are also used to wipe down the skin before giving an injection. However, rubbing alcohol shouldn’t be applied to the skin to treat a fever.

Fever Defined

In children and adults, a fever is defined as 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit when measured by an oral thermometer.

Safety Concerns

Alcohol is easily absorbed through the skin. It's also absorbed through the lungs when it's inhaled. In the worst cases, the absorption can cause alcohol poisoning and lead to a coma or other serious medical complications.

According to medical research, accidental isopropyl alcohol poisoning is common, and the majority of cases are in children under 6 years old.

The effects of poisoning include:

  • Slowed breathing

  • Central nervous system depression, when vital functions between the brain and spinal cord slow down

  • Shock

Fevers Rally a Fight

A fever is not an illness; it's a symptom. It's a sign that your body is fighting an illness or infection.

Related: Rubbing Alcohol in the Ear: What’s Safe?

Treating a Fever

Not all fevers need to be treated. Your body temperature goes up because the immune system is trying to kill the germs that are making you sick.

However, some fevers can be dangerous, and they can also make you or your child uncomfortable. If your child registers a temperature of 99 degrees or above, you can ease their discomfort by:

  • Dressing them in light clothing

  • Offering plenty of liquids or soothing foods like gelatin and ice pops

  • Placing a cool washcloth on the child's forehead while they rest or sleep

  • Giving the child a lukewarm sponge or tub bath

  • Offering Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen) if your pediatrician says it's OK (though the latter is not recommended in children under 6 months old)

Rest is especially important if their fever registers 102 degrees or above. Keeping your home at a cooler temperature or running a fan may help, too.

Adults can follow the same recommendations.

Infections Trigger Fever

Respiratory or gastrointestinal infections are responsible for triggering most fevers in otherwise healthy adults.

When a Fever Should Be Evaluated

Most of the time, fevers aren't a cause for concern. Some people worry about brain damage from a fever—this is a risk when a temperature is higher than 105.8 degrees, which is rare. A fever generally warrants medical attention when it reaches:

  • 100.4 degrees in a baby 3 months old or younger (call a pediatrician immediately)

  • 102.2 degrees or higher in a baby 3 months to 3 years old

  • 104 degrees or higher repeatedly in an older child or adult

It's also a good idea to get medical attention if a fever lasts more than 24 hours in a child under 2 years old or more than 72 hours in an older child or adult.

Longevity Provides a Clue

While infections are the most common cause of fever, when a fever lasts 4 days or more, medical providers may look for noninfectious causes like inflammatory diseases or cancer.

Watch for Other Symptoms

Keep in mind that fevers can be as fleeting as they can be misleading. So pay attention not only to the number on the thermometer but to how you or your child are feeling.

For example, it's not uncommon for a high temperature to disappear as quickly as it appeared. And a lower temperature accompanied by other symptoms could be a sign of illness—and a reason to call a healthcare provider.

In children, be alert for:

  • Breathing difficulty/shortness of breath

  • Coughing

  • Diarrhea or vomiting

  • Earache (or a sign of it, such as tugging on the ear)

  • Fewer wet diapers or infrequent urination

  • Fussiness

  • Severe headache

  • Loss of appetite

  • Pale or flushed skin

  • Stiff neck

  • Unexplained rash

Except for wet diapers, older children and adults can have the same symptoms. A call to your healthcare provider is a good idea.

The following symptoms require immediate medical care:

  • Shortness of breath or pressure in the chest

  • Pain in the chest or abdomen

  • Confusion or disorientation

  • Fainting (or even the sensation of almost fainting)

  • Severe sinus pain

  • Swollen glands in the neck or jaw

Related: Understanding Fever in Children


While it's true that alcohol can instantly cool the skin, it actually works too quickly. This response signals the body that you're cold, causing it to turn up your "internal thermostat" even higher.

To make matters worse, alcohol is easily absorbed, both through the skin and through the lungs when it's inhaled. And the result can be toxic, potentially causing alcohol poisoning, especially In children.

Use other soothing remedies that have stood the test of time to lower a fever.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.