A Royal Biographer Claims the Queen May Never Return to Public Life

A Royal Biographer Claims the Queen May Never Return to Public Life

From Cosmopolitan

The Queen is currently in self-isolation over in Windsor (sounds...not bad TBH), and The Sun reports that courtiers want to keep her inside and away from public life until at least the summer due to coronavirus concerns.

Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images
Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images

While officials are preparing for "several months of royal lockdown," royal biographer Andrew Morton believes Her Majesty won't return to public life at all considering her duties largely consist of engaging with other people in close proximity:

“It’s terribly sad but I can’t see how the Queen can resume her usual job. The COVID-19 virus isn’t going away soon and will be with us for months, if not years. It would be far too risky for the Queen to start meeting people on a regular basis. She has always loved getting out and meeting people, but she can’t take the risk. How can she carry out investitures, meet ambassadors, do walkabouts and visit places without meeting people at close range? If she gets the bug, it could be fatal and would put Prince Philip at risk."

Morton also said we should expect more of the Queen's engagements become virtual—like we've seen in these past weeks with the rest of the royal family.

“The Queen’s speech last month was brilliant and it brought the country together. To quote Churchill, it was her finest hour, but from now on we are maybe only going to be seeing her on video links," Andrew said. "We will have a Zoom monarchy, she will be Her Majesty the Screen."

Let's hope this is only true for the foreseeable future, and that Queen Elizabeth is able to get back out there safely soon, gah!

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