A Ross Geller Lookalike Is Wanted By the Police, But David Schwimmer Swears He's Innocent

Did you talk to the other friends gang and say like, hey guys lets together and do a movie see. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] I don't know what to make of it. It's just like sort of these wierd clips. Right.>> From thingns that clearly have not, nothing to do with Friends. Right. [MUSIC] How does that work with Friends though? I mean that's. Right, right. That was about people in their 20s, 30s. Right. Well, that's not what the show isn't about people in their 40s, 50s. [LAUGH] Right, right. And if we have the same problems, then that's just sad. [LAUGH] No one said it had to be a comedy. [LAUGH] [BLANK_AUDIO]

A security photo of a man suspected of stealing beer in Blackpool, England went unexpectedly viral on Tuesday when people spotted the almost eerie similarities between him and Friends star David Schwimmer.

The Blackpool Police reached out to their Facebook followers for help identifying said man, whom they wanted to question “in relation to a theft at a Blackpool restaurant on the 20th September.”

Almost immediately, hilarity ensued:

The Blackpool Police, after ruling out Schwimmer’s involvement, joined in on the fun as well:

Oh, and so did Schwimmer. The Friends star created a grainy security video of his own, writing, “Officers, I swear it wasn't me. As you can see, I was in New York. To the hardworking Blackpool Police, good luck with the investigation. #itwasntme.”

We’re glad to see Ross is now able to find the levity in theft. If it was his sandwich that had gone missing, we doubt anyone, least of all Dr. Geller, would be laughing along.

In Ross we trust.