Rosemary's health and flavor powers go beyond aromatherapy

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an aromatic herb with a distinctive sweet flavor. It has been dubbed as a jack of all trades due to its extreme versatility and usage throughout history.

Often used in an array of dishes like casseroles, soups, stews, and salads, the smell of rosemary alone has been linked to improving mood, clearing the mind, relieving stress, and lowering cortisol levels.

Rosemary, with its fragrant leaves and Mediterranean origins, has been a beloved herb in gardens and kitchens for generations.
Rosemary, with its fragrant leaves and Mediterranean origins, has been a beloved herb in gardens and kitchens for generations.

Dating back to ancient Greece and Rome, rosemary was primarily used to strengthen memory. It has since been discovered that rosemary prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine, a brain chemical attributed to improving cognitive function, boosting alertness and concentration. This might be why the ancient gladiators were so on point!

Yes, the health benefits of rosemary are vast, and it has properties that benefit the entire body. No wonder it’s considered a polychrest, which means it is “a medicine that is useful in many ways.”

Health benefits of rosemary

Rosemary herb flower and leaf sprig with aromatherapy essential oil glass bottle, isolated over white background.
Rosemary herb flower and leaf sprig with aromatherapy essential oil glass bottle, isolated over white background.

In addition to improving memory and concentration, rosemary has neurological protection properties. This is attributed to an ingredient called carnosic acid, which aids in combating free radicals, also known as reactive oxygen molecules, in the brain.

Rosemary is known to rapidly reduce cortisol levels by simply smelling it. This tactic is most helpful in individuals who experience racing thoughts, as a whiff of rosemary can clear the mind and help one to focus better. Furthermore, rosemary contains compounds with antioxidant properties, which may help protect the brain from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is believed to play a role in various neurological conditions.

While these potential benefits are interesting, it's essential to note that rosemary should not replace professional medical advice or treatment for mental health conditions. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, it's important to seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional. They can provide appropriate diagnosis, treatment options, and support.

Rosemary can be enjoyed as a part of a balanced diet or used as aromatherapy to potentially complement mental health practices. However, it is not a substitute for evidence-based therapies or medications when needed. Always consult with a healthcare provider to develop a comprehensive approach to mental health care.

Storing rosemary

Refrigeration: Fresh rosemary can be stored in the refrigerator. First, wrap the fresh rosemary sprigs loosely in a damp paper towel. Then, place them in a plastic or resealable bag, leaving the bag slightly open to allow some air circulation. Store the bag in the vegetable crisper drawer of your refrigerator.

Freezing: If you have a larger amount of rosemary that you want to preserve for an extended period, freezing is a good option. To freeze rosemary, first, wash and dry the sprigs thoroughly. Remove the leaves from the stems and chop them if desired. Place the leaves in an ice cube tray, fill each compartment with water or olive oil, and freeze. Once frozen, transfer the rosemary cubes to a freezer-safe container or bag. This way, you can easily take out individual cubes as needed for cooking.

Drying: Drying rosemary is another way to preserve it for longer use. Tie the rosemary sprigs together at their stems to create small bunches. Hang the bunches upside down in a cool, dry place with good air circulation. Once the rosemary is fully dried (this may take a few weeks), remove the leaves from the stems and store them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

Rosemary is an herb which is fabulous in the kitchen, a must in the herb garden, and interesting planted in landscape beds. It likes full sun, warm temperatures, and dry conditions. Plant it near the kitchen to make it easy to clip for seasoning roasted potatoes and stock pots.
Rosemary is an herb which is fabulous in the kitchen, a must in the herb garden, and interesting planted in landscape beds. It likes full sun, warm temperatures, and dry conditions. Plant it near the kitchen to make it easy to clip for seasoning roasted potatoes and stock pots.

Regardless of the method you choose, make sure to remove any wilted or discolored leaves before storage. Properly stored rosemary can retain its flavor and aroma for several weeks to months, depending on the method used. However, keep in mind that dried rosemary may lose some of its potency over time. Therefore, it's best to use it within six months to a year for the best flavor.

If you have purchased dried rosemary from the store, keep it in a sealed container away from heat and sunlight to maintain its quality. Always check the expiration date and follow any storage instructions provided on the packaging.

The ultimate resource every home food preserver can use at no cost is the USDA Guide to Home Canning.

Cooking rosemary

Cooking with rosemary can add a delightful and aromatic flavor to a wide range of dishes. Here are some popular ways to use rosemary in your cooking:

Roasted Meats: Rosemary pairs exceptionally well with roasted meats such as lamb, chicken, turkey, and beef. Before roasting, insert whole sprigs of rosemary into slits or cavities in the meat, or chop the leaves and rub them onto the meat with some olive oil and seasoning.

Broiled Lamb Chops with White Bean and Rosemary Ragout, which uses robust seasonings to make the most of the lean and tender meat in an ample dish that would make a fine centerpiece for a festive dinner. An increase in lamb\'s popularity suggests that American cooks have discovered its versatility. Plenty of herbs, spices and condiments can complement its distinct flavor and provide opportunities for making new and exciting dishes. AP photo

Potatoes: Rosemary and potatoes are a classic combination. You can roast whole potatoes with rosemary sprigs, chop rosemary and toss it with potato wedges before baking, or add it to mashed potatoes for extra flavor.

Vegetables: Roasted or grilled vegetables can benefit from the addition of rosemary. Toss vegetables like carrots, zucchini, or bell peppers with some olive oil, chopped rosemary, salt, and pepper before cooking.

Soups and stews: Rosemary can enhance the flavor of hearty soups and stews. Just add a sprig or two to the pot while cooking and remove it before serving.

Grilled foods: When grilling, use rosemary sprigs as skewers for shrimp, chicken, or vegetables. The herb infuses the food with a subtle, smoky flavor.

Whether you're cooking with fresh rosemary or dried rosemary, it can add a delightful aromatic touch to your culinary creations. Experiment with different dishes to discover your favorite ways to use this versatile herb!

Aliyah Young is a Family and Consumer Sciences Agent with UF/IFAS Extension Leon County.
Aliyah Young is a Family and Consumer Sciences Agent with UF/IFAS Extension Leon County.

Aliyah Young is a Family and Consumer Sciences Agent with UF/IFAS Extension Leon County, an Equal Opportunity Institution. For gardening questions, email the extension office at

This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Rosemary provides health, mood and culinary benefits