This Root Veggie Can Help You Build Strong Bones

turnips on a market stall in ponte de lima
9 Surprising Health Benefits Of TurnipsEnrique Díaz / 7cero - Getty Images

Turnips are a popular cruciferous root vegetable that are grown in a variety of colors including purple, red, and green with white bulbs. Both the roots and the leaves of the turnip are edible, and they are a favorite of nutritionists due to all of their health benefits. Turnips can be prepared in a variety of ways, and whether you roast them, puree them, or use them in a soup, your body will thank you for the rich nourishment they provide.

Turnips may contain anti-cancer properties.

Turnips contain a high vitamin C content and are rich in glucosinolates, both of which may help prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.

coffee shop and farmers at the farmers' market
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Turnips have anti-inflammatory effects.

The glucosinolates found in turnips break down into byproducts with anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve those with chronic pain from arthritis or conditions like high blood pressure.

high angle close up of a crate with freshly picked white and purple turnips
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Turnips help fight off harmful bacteria.

When the body breaks down the glucosinolates contained in turnips, the compounds that result prevent the growth of bacteria within the body, like E. coli and S. aureus.

i only use the best and freshest
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Turnips can assist in controlling blood sugar levels.

Incorporating turnips into your diet can help reduce blood sugar levels and increase insulin production.

fresh from the earth
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Turnips can help protect your liver.

Turnips contain anthocyanins and sulfur compounds, which have been proven helpful in reducing liver toxicity, according to some studies.

unrecognizable woman buying kohlrabi vegetables at local organic grocery store
Alvaro Lavin - Getty Images

Turnips can help aid in weight management.

Because turnips are low in calories and low on the glycemic index, eating them regularly can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

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Turnips support bone health.

Turnips contain vitamin K, which is vital in bone metabolism. Consuming turnips may make a positive impact on bone formation.

turnip vegetable in shop
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Turnips help with iron absorption.

Iron is an important part of your diet, and consuming turnips regularly can help improve the body’s ability to absorb iron.

raw turnips in a bowl
Richard Clark - Getty Images

Turnips can promote the production of red blood cells.

Turnip leaves are rich with folate, which is critical to the production of red blood cells and is also known to help prevent any developmental issues in fetuses.

a crate of freshly picked organic vegetables in a field, turnips with green leafy tops
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