Rockstar Mom Breastfeeds While in Labor

Pregnant Woman Wearing Pink Shirt in Labor Foap
Pregnant Woman Wearing Pink Shirt in Labor Foap

Need more proof that moms are the ultimate multitaskers? Look no further.

Kate Neal, a photographer and mother of two, is just another mother who's story went viral after she welcomed her second child, and a shot from her delivery is spreading like wildfire. In it, Neal is sitting up in bed poised to deliver—and she's also breastfeeding her elder child.

"My experience nursing Rowan (my oldest) shortly before I went into active labor was definitely part of our routine," Neal says. "She is two so we only nurse [once or twice] a day and it is primarily for comfort. I knew that she would want to nurse right when she saw me since I had been away overnight/all morning and I was happy to provide that comfort to her in a hopeful exchange of progressing the labor along. It absolutely worked because shortly after she left I went into active labor and our second daughter, Sloane, was born two hours later! It was a special moment, but again, completely natural for both of us."

RELATED: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Breastfeeding

For Neal, this is just another snapshot of her reality as a mother of two. But the image, which was taken by photographer Maegan Dougherty, went viral for showcases some serious supermom-level skills.

"The reaction to this photo has been overwhelmingly positive, but I have to say I am definitely surprised—almost shocked—at how much attention it has received," she said.

To us, the photo speaks volumes about what it really means to be a mother. It's all about putting your child first no matter what else is going on, or how overwhelmed you might be feeling. But for this mom, the photo doesn't just tell a sweet story or speak to the nature of motherhood—it's also about normalizing breastfeeding and natural childbirth.

RELATED: 11 Tips for Having a Natural Childbirth

"Of course there are always negative and judgmental comments that come along with something like this, but breastfeeding is and always will be natural," she explained. "I am happy to help normalize this a little more, but more importantly open up a conversation for women and their providers about what they desire for their birth plan. It was actually pretty difficult to find a provider that would allow and support not only a natural birth, but also allowing so many people to be present for it. My midwife, Lonnie Morris, and her team at The Childbirth & Women's Wellness Center were completely open to this and our experience was as amazing as I had hoped."

Yes, you read that right—this mama had a natural childbirth and still managed to nourish her baby in the midst of it all. Consider her our new mommy hero.

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