Rocks: 1; Surfer: 0 (Video)

Like Sisyphus, damned to roll a boulder for eternity, surfers will forever fall on rocks.

The “rock dance” can be seen at many popular surf spots worldwide – from southern California, to Australia, to Indonesia, and all across Europe; countless famed waves across the globe have that literal barrier to entry, and even the best surfers can slip.

Take, Lennox Head in New South Wales, Australia below, and this poor soul attempting to paddle out and catch a few waves.

In fact, there’s an entire Instagram account dedicated to surfers slipping on the rocks at Lennox Point. Yeah, it’s that bad.

And digging deeper, a YouTube video from earlier this year posed the question: “Lennox Head the hardest paddle out in Australia?” with the caption:

“Is Lennox Head Point break the hardest paddle out in Australia? You have to time the slippery rocks, ocean waves, and currents and watch out for Sea Urchins. When it's big it's super tough and really only for the very experienced surfer. What are your thoughts and experiences here please leave them in the comments box.”

And folks chimed in with their tales of tumbles:

“Jumping off the rocks at big Lennox (definitely not the size of these waves in the video) is a rush compared to that of getting one of its waves , once you know how, it's a piece of cake...”

“Never had a problem paddling out. Getting in...fuck that. I was an urchin magnet when I first moved up there...could barely walk. Eventually...I found the sweet spot.”

“Never got out without lacerations”

So, hardest paddle out (or in) in Australia?


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