Rock a Bali-Style Glow All Winter Long With This Bronzing Set: No Orange Tones!

coco and eve
Coco and Eve

There's nothing that a little tan can't fix! Well, a good tan. If your past is clouded with a few self-tanning fails, you're definitely not alone. Finding a self tanner that doesn't leave you orange-tinted, sticky, smelling like DHA, patchy and frustrated isn't an easy task.

Well you're in luck, because it's sunny, honey! Whether you're new to the self tanning world or are a seasoned bronzing queen, this self tanner set is the all-in-one bundle needed to cure your winter woes.

Coco and Eve has 21 beauty awards under its belt for good reason — all of its products use responsibly-sourced ingredients from the beautiful island of Bali. Since sustainability is paramount to the brand, all packaging is sustainable, recyclable and FSC certified.


Get the Sunny Honey Bali Bronzing Set for $55 (originally $74) at Coco and Eve!

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The Sunny Honey bronzing foam is vegan and free of toxins, parabens and silicone, perfect for those who love to be tan but don't want the chemicals. The formula smells like a tropical vacation dream with hints of guava, coconut and mango. It dries quickly and doesn't leave you sticky — a huge bonus if you ask Us.

The formula contains botanicals, amino acids and antioxidants to smooth out cellulite and cover up blemishes on the skin. Blurring pigmentation works to give you that airbrushed look you get from basking on the beach.

Get the Sunny Honey Bali Bronzing Set for $55 (originally $74) at Coco and Eve!

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And arguably one of the most important components: the actual color. There are three shades to choose from, none of which will turn you orange. The foam is made using a green-grey base — this ensures you'll have golden tones, not funky orange ones. And each shade requires only two hours to develop, so turn on a few episodes of your favorite show and let the magic happen!

But even the best tanning formula can go awry when applied incorrectly. This set contains everything that a bronzing girl needs to get a streak-free, even glow. It includes bronzing foam, a soft tanning mitt and a kabuki brush to use on the face and hands. Oh, and the formula has a color guide so you don't miss a spot!

The bundle is $20 off right now, so grab one for yourself and a friend! It's the perfect gift for beauty queens.

Get the Sunny Honey Bali Bronzing Set for $55 (originally $74) at Coco and Eve!

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