Robyn Beavers, Sustainability Pioneer

As a civil engineer, Robyn Beavers is determined to see more women in science and engineering— and she is certainly a role model for young girls in this industry. Beavers currently serves as the CEO and Co-Founder of Blueprint Power, tech company whose mission is to accelerate the growth and financial sustainability of distributed, intelligent clean energy by helping regional groups of real estate companies transform their portfolios into power plants.

Beavers is the founding member of Google's Green Business & Operations strategy team. She has served as an AARA Fellow for the Department of Energy, and worked with Vestas in pioneering the creation of WindMade, an international NGO that provides companies with the means to "label" their commitment to renewable energy and sustainability. She later worked as head of commercialization for water and power technologies for Dean Kamen, Senior Vice President of NRG Energy, Vice President of Investments and Technology at Lennar. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s in business administration from Stanford University.