Robert Pattinson Says He'd Consider Doing 'Art House Porn' if 'Batman' Flops

Photo credit: Tristan Fewings/BFC - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tristan Fewings/BFC - Getty Images

From Men's Health

Robert Pattinson has discussed the bold career move he'd make if 2021's superhero reboot The Batman flops.

The handsome actor (who's starring as Bruce Wayne in Matt Reeves' detective noir) has 'box office gold' written all over him, not to mention the ravishing supporting cast of Colin Farrell, Andy Serkis, Paul Dano, Zoë Kravitz and Jeffrey Wright inevitably getting bums on seats.

But, if the movie does somehow crash and burn, Pattinson has an idea of what he'll do next – and you won't believe what you're about to read.

Photo credit: FADEL SENNA/AFP - Getty Images
Photo credit: FADEL SENNA/AFP - Getty Images

Chatting to The Guardian, the 33-year-old was asked what he'd do if the Gotham epic doesn't land with audiences or if he fails to produce a believable Bruce.

Giggling, Pattinson joked: "Porn, but art house porn."


To be fair, it sounds like he could already be on his way down that road after previously admitting that he "keeps masturbating" in his movies.

Photo credit: Antony Jone - Getty Images
Photo credit: Antony Jone - Getty Images

Also in the interview, Pattinson reflected on his unique approach to life and how he's not always the most positive.

"I'm a catastrophist. I'm always thinking that the worst-case scenario is actually going to happen," he said. "So when it does happen, I'm like: 'Gah! OK! I'm prepared!'"

With roles in The Batman and Christopher Nolan's Tenet coming up, something tells us he might have to amend this philosophy.

The Batman has a release date of June 25, 2021.

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