Robert Pattinson Gives Extraordinarily Rare Comment About His Relationships With Kristen Stewart and Suki Waterhouse

Photo credit: Kevin Winter - Getty Images
Photo credit: Kevin Winter - Getty Images


Robert Pattinson isn't the type to talk about his love life, past or present. But The Sunday Times got him to say a couple words about his relationships with his exes Kristen Stewart and FKA Twigs, along with his current reported girlfriend Suki Waterhouse.

Pattinson was asked whether he was on good terms with Stewart and FKA Twigs. He demurred from giving too much detail, but he did respond with a "yes, yes." He also marveled about that one time a pre-President Donald Trump tweeted about him and Stewart. (Trump tweeted in 2012, “Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again-just watch. He can do much better!”)

Pattinson was discussing how his good friend Katy Perry has birthday letters from five past presidents hanging in her bathroom. “It’s so f*cking cool, like five presidents! I got a tweet,” he said. “That’s my equivalent. She gets five presidential letters. I get relationship advice in a tweet.”

When the Times's reporter asked him about Suki Waterhouse, who Pattinson was first romantically linked to last July, Pattinson responded, “do I have to [talk about her]?” Then, when pressed further, he gave a lengthy response about why he just doesn't like to talk about his girlfriends.

He explained, "If you let people in, it devalues what love is. If a stranger on the street asked you about your relationship, you’d think it extremely rude. If you put up a wall it ends up better. I can’t understand how someone can walk down the street holding hands, and it’s the same as when I do it and a hundred people are taking your photo. The line between when you’re performing and when you’re not will eventually get washed away and you’ll go completely mad.”

The Times noted that Pattinson did admit that his past high-profile relationships ending hasn't convinced him that celebrity relationships are futile. “They were pretty long relationships, not like three months,” he said.

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