Robert Irwin Rescues Python Stuck in a Fence and People Are Amazed

He really is the spitting image of his father.

Even for those of us who don't have snake phobias, we wouldn't dare dream of crawling into a bush to grab one. Wildlife expert Robert Irwin, on the other hand, didn't hesitate for a second before coming to the rescue. Here's the wild part--he didn't even know what kind of snake he was looking for!

Although carpet pythons are nonvenomous and commonly found in Australia, @robertirwin had no idea that's what he was reaching for. It could've been something much more dangerous for all he knew--how impressive!

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Yep, 'impressive' is the exact word we're looking for. From Robert's confidence to the snake's size, so many details from this video have us in awe.

"'DON’T TOUCH A SNAKE'….. wait….. it’s who?… oh Irwin…. Nevermind, carry on." wrote commenter @tk71515. LMAO! We had a very similar thought process the first time we saw this video. Had anyone else been reaching into the bushes toward a mystery snake, we would've been terrified.

We got a serious laugh out of @hey_yall_its_janet's remark too. She asked, "can you imagine you call animal control and Robert Irwin shows up?" We'd be beside ourselves, and so would the animal. @Cails12 might've been onto something when she said, "it’s like all animals know to be chill when it’s the Irwins." For real! We have no idea how that snake was so relaxed after being trapped in a fence. That must be the Irwin's secret!

There's one more comment that hit us right in the feels, and it came from @jonathangraham49. He said, "Steve would be so proud of him," and we couldn't agree more.

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