The "Riverdale" Cast Remembers Luke Perry As They Begin Filming Season Four

Photo credit: Kevin Mazur - Getty Images
Photo credit: Kevin Mazur - Getty Images

From Seventeen

Filming is underway for Riverdale season four, and I could not be more excited about it! In just a few short months our Wednesday night will be filled with angsty teens, murderous family members, and creepy cults, and all will, once again, feel right in the world.

Before the cast could get back to work, however, they took a minute to honor their late costar, Luke Perry, who passed away after suffering from a stroke earlier this year.

"There was nothing but love, memories and mourning for our beloved Luke as we honor him in our first episode back ❤️ #wemissyouluke #inmemoriam#riverdale #S4 #tableread," Mädchen Amick, who plays Alice Cooper, wrote on an Instagram post of a selfie of the cast at their first table read.

The picture features most of the show's cast as well as the creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa. And while some weren't there, they sent their love in the comments. "Awwww give everyone big hugs from me ❤️❤️," said Gina Gershon, who plays Gladys Jones.

It is still unclear how Luke's death will be acknowledged in season four of the show. In the previous season, it was stated that Fred was away on a trip of some sort as Archie's mom, Mary, stepped in as the parental figure.

We do know that the premiere of season four will be a tribute to the actor. Roberto shared this news recently on his Instagram. The creator said the episode, which is titled "In Memoriam," is "probably the most important episode of #Riverdale we’ll do this year, if not ever. A tribute to our fallen friend. Thankful for this opportunity to honor Luke & Fred."

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