How to Ripen Peaches in Hours—Or Over Several Days

When life gives you peaches, reach for some fresh whipped cream.

Fact checked by Haley MadesMedically reviewed by Kristy Del Coro, MS, RDN, LDN

Take advantage of summer produce, especially perfectly ripe peaches. While they may not be in season for a long time, there are so many ways to use up sweet, juicy peaches. If you can't wait for your summer peaches to ripen and wish to devour them immediately (hey, we don't blame you), there are tricks to expedite the ripening process. See how to ripen peaches and try these hacks at home to enjoy all the wonderful ways you can cook and bake with peaches.

Picking Peaches

Like other stone fruits, the window for enjoying fresh peaches is short-lived, so it's a good rule of thumb to buy them underripe and let them ripen at home. When picking peaches, it's good to go by their texture, smell, and overall appearance. You'll know a peach is ripe and ready to eat when it's fragrant, slightly soft, and boasts vibrant golden skin.

If the peach is soft or tender when gently pressed or squeezed, it's ripe and ready to eat; if it's firm, it's not yet ripe. Additionally, ripe peaches have a sweet scent—even as you're nearby (no need to bring them to your nose). However, if the peach has no smell, then it's not ripe and won't taste good. And finally, ripe peaches tend to be dark yellow, not red or green.


Be gentle when handling peaches as they can easily bruise.

Ripening Peaches

Similar to avocados, apples, and pears, the ripening process for peaches can be a bit finicky. Depending on how quickly you want them to ripen, you can use one of a few methods for ripening fresh peaches: on the counter, in a paper bag, and in the refrigerator. Let's see how each peach ripening technique is different.

On the Counter

If you're not in a rush to eat them, simply place your peaches (not on their bottoms) on a platter or in a shallow bowl on your countertop. Be mindful not to stack them because that can slow down the ripening process. Stored this way on the counter, peaches should ripen within a few days—about three to five—depending on how ripe they were when you purchased them.

In a Paper Bag

To quickly ripen peaches and use them the same day, you can try the famous paper bag trick. Fruit typically ripens faster in a paper bag due to the ethylene gas it emits, which gets trapped.

Pop a few peaches in a paper bag solo, or with an apple or banana, and you'll be pleasantly surprised by how quickly they'll be ready to eat. With the paper bag method, you can expect ripe peaches within a few hours or a day (depending on how firm the peaches were to begin with).


You can also try to ripen peaches with sunlight. Place a shallow bowl of peaches in direct sunlight but be careful they don't get too hot, or they will start to bake. The heat will help ripen the fruit quickly.

In the Refrigerator

For a slower ripening process, place peaches in the refrigerator. The cold temperature will significantly delay their ripening, helping them last longer than on the counter. When refrigerated, peaches will last about five days. But you'll want to check refrigerated peaches often, as they can dehydrate if left in the fridge for too long.

Using Ripe Peaches

Now that you've got a plethora of ripe peaches, you can use them in everything from a fresh salad to a delicious dessert. Peaches can be grilled, baked, roasted, or added to cold dishes. Of course, you can also eat a fresh ripe peach as-is, for a tasty (and healthy) snack.

Whether you peel your peaches or not is largely up to personal preference. It's not necessary as the skin of the peach is edible and full of nutrients. However, for baked goods, it's often preferred to use peeled peaches for a uniform texture. Try a few of our sample peach recipes to enjoy this fruit's full flavor.


If you're not ready to eat or use ripened peaches, but don't want them to go to waste, consider freezing peaches—whole or sliced—to help them last longer.

Peach Cobbler Trifle

Greg DuPree
Greg DuPree

This peach cobbler trifle hits the spot on days when you're craving something cold. The combination of juicy peaches, fresh whipped cream, and fluffy pound cake is simply too good for just one serving.


Vietnamese-Inspired Peach Salad

Heami Lee
Heami Lee

Not only is this salad beautifully vibrant but it's guaranteed to satisfy all your tastebuds. It's sweet, salty, sour, savory, and has just a kick of spiciness, making it a no-brainer side dish for any meal. While the spicy, garlicky dressing adds tons of flavor, it's no secret that sweet donut peaches are the star of this salad.


Roasted Pork Chops and Peaches

Con Poulos
Con Poulos

Who says peaches can only be used for dessert? This pork chop-and-couscous recipe is anything but ordinary since it's cooked with vinegar, peaches, and onions. The best part is that it only takes 30 minutes to whip up, so it's great for a quick weeknight meal.


Peach Iced Tea

Victor Protasio
Victor Protasio

There's no better way to cool off on a hot day than with a large glass of frosty iced tea. This peach iced tea recipe utilizes dried and fresh peaches, lemon, honey, and mint, which makes it flavorful and refreshing. Make a big pitcher to keep in your fridge to enjoy throughout the week.


Related: How to Store Peaches So They Don't Bruise

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