Rihanna Opened Up About Being 'in Love' With Her Boyfriend Hassan Jameel and Her Plans for Marriage

Photo credit: Kevin Mazur - Getty Images
Photo credit: Kevin Mazur - Getty Images


Rihanna gave a very rare and revealing interview to her Ocean's Eight co-star Sarah Paulson for Interview magazine. And in it, RiRi went where she has seldom gone before: She talked as openly as she was willing to about her billionaire boyfriend of two years, Hassan Jameel. And that was pretty open by Rihanna's standards.

They are in love, and marriage is a possibility. In a series of questions, Paulson asked Rihanna about who she was dating ("Google it," was Rihanna's response) and whether she was in love.

"Of course I am," Rihanna said.

"Are you going to get married?" Paulson asked after. There was a pause, which Paulson called out. "She’s silent!"

Then Rihanna said, "Only god knows that, girl. We plan and god laughs, right?"

Paulson asked if Rihanna wants to be a mother. "More than anything in life," she replied.

Earlier in the interview, Rihanna talked a little about how her relationship with Jameel was among the things that changed her work-life balance. She started prioritizing time for herself more.

"It’s only the last couple years that I started to realize that you need to make time for yourself, because your mental health depends on it," she started. "If you’re not happy, you’re not going to be happy even doing things that you love doing. It’d feel like a chore. I never want work to feel like a chore. My career is my purpose, and it should never feel like anything other than a happy place. I’ve made little things a big deal, like going for a walk or going to the grocery store. I got into a new relationship, and it matters to me. It was like, 'I need to make time for this.' Just like I nurture my businesses, I need to nurture this as well. I’ll shut things down for two days, three days at a time. On my calendar we now have the infamous 'P,' which means personal days. This is a new thing."

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