Rider's Rear Wheel Explodes On Impact

Every rider’s worst nightmare is having a part on tier bike fail catastrophically at any time.

One rider had this exact thing happen in a race. Watch Camilo Sanchez explode his rear wheel at the bottom of a race run.

In this video, Camilo tried to absorb the drop but still caught major air. Upon reconnecting with the ground, his rear wheel exploded sending him flailing over the next jump.

Camilo was simply carrying too much speed for the feature. Thankfully he was okay after the incident.

Though mountain components are made to be robust, there is only so much force they can take before failing. A pro hucking 10-15 feet to flat raises the risk significantly. It does not appear that that course was designed perfectly. There should have been a downslope for someone traveling Camilo’s speed who squashed the jump to land. Hopefully, the speed will be taken more into consideration in future races.

Sanchez is a Colombian downhill racer. This month, he will line up to race at Red Bull Hardline Tasmania.

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