Rider's Backflip Attempt Doesn't Go According To Plan

Foam pits are God's gift to kids who would otherwise be seriously injured. The clip you are about to see is no exception to that rule.

Have a look at what would have been a particularly hairy situation had it been taken to dirt below.

Backflips are a massive benchmark on the journey of any freestyle oriented mountain biker. They are undeniably the most iconic trick in the lexicon of action sports and they are pretty unanimously the one thing every kid wants to learn to do.

Thankfully nowadays foam pits are more common so the hordes of groms setting out to learn them can do so without costing an arm and leg in hospital bills when they inevitably break an arm or a leg.

Mountain biking, especially freestyle/freeride, is taxing on the body to learn and you will inevitably fall down and hurt something. Foam pits at least soften that learning curve a little bit and let riders get the feeling for something consequential down before taking it to dirt.

Related: Cam Zink Breaks Down How His Rampage Winning Backflip Almost Went Wrong

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