Rider Launches Off Towering Cliff With Parachute

The sport of BASE jumping is pretty crazy. It seems like the fun of the sport comes from trying to deploy a parachute in the least time possible without perishing from what seems like limitless possible things that can go wrong.

One BASE Jumper decided he needed to add more variables to a base jump. Watch Nikolay Tsibulko ride off a cliff with his mountain bike.

Like most action sports videos on the internet captioned with the Cyrillic Alphabet, Nikolay’s jump is a perfect blend of sendy and sketchy. For a terrifying moment, his chute looked like it was stuck and wouldn’t deploy.

Thankfully, as he neared the ground, Tsibulko’s chute finally released and he was able to steer safely toward the ground.

An amazing detail in this video is that Nikolay keeps his bike with him. In other similar videos, the jumpers ditch the bike.

Nikolay likely did not want his expensive downhill bike to fall to the ground so he affixed it to himself.

This is all well and good until you land awkwardly on your other precious cargo. Perhaps preserving his bike is worth the possibility of singing falsetto for a week.

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