Rider Hits The Greatest Snow Bike Jump Line Ever Created

Winter is the bain of any diehard mountain biker's existence. Skiing is nice but it never quite scratches the itch that riding a bike does.

During winter in the Mountain West and everywhere else that it snows at least half the year, it can feel like bike season may never come again. That's why this rider created an ingenious way to ensure he can ride all year.

Take a look at his winter-proof bike solution below.

This setup is proper. It's no surprise why, Dustin Cyganik - or savagesnowslayer on Instagram - has been cultivating a scene for very high level snow biking for some time.

So much so to the point that it looks like he's far more into winter riding than conventional biking.

His setup - jump line, terrain park, and snow bike - are far and away the most dialed we have seen yet. Even his riding more closely resembles the style of hitting dirt jumps than it does riding a modified bike on ski hill terrain.

This appears to be the most true recreation of bike riding in the winter to exist, and we are all here for it.

Related: Pro Rides In Snow Despite Equating Trail To An "Ice Rink"

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