Rider Goes Huge At Night On Iconic Dirt Jumps In "Hunter Moon"

The Hunter Moon is the full moon that comes after the harvest moon, usually in October. While the late fall moon holds cultural significance in American Folklore, its bright shine can make for good biking,

Watch Dustin Iverson go big in the Highland Bike Park Dirt Jumps at night in his Hunter Moon edit below.

In this video, Iverson goes huge in Highland’s renowned dirt jumps at night. The darkness contrasted with the firelight makes for some iconic shots.

Cinematographer Josh Lawless sure knows how to get a good shot. Watch his edit Until Sundown below.

Highland Bike Park, located in central New Hampshire, is one of the most famous bike parks in the country. Highland is Unique because it is only a bike park and has no ski operations in the winter. This means they can pour their resources into making an indoor training facility and sculpting great dirt jumps.

Dustin Iverson is a dirt jumper from Southern Maine who rides for Commencal Bikes. He has appeared in multiple Commencal edits including High Spirits. Watch that video below.

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