Rider Crashes Into Hidden Barbed Wire Trap: "It's A Tough World"

One of the dangers of riding is that there are often obstacles that you cannot see until the last minute. Sometimes these can be very dangerous.

Watch Fabio Wibmer ride into a barbed wire fence below.

In this video, Wibmer was riding a trail when he bombed into a barbed wire fence. Thankfully he was not injured. The most dangerous is when wires are at neck level, which could be lethal. Thankfully, Fabio hit a fence bike first.

What Wibmer likely ran into was a fence for cows. In the Alps, seem to roam freely around different bike areas. As evidenced by the ramp over, Fabio just missed the human route through the fence.

Related: Biker Seizes The Moment And Jumps Over Unsuspecting Cow

Barbed wire has frequently been used maliciously to stop bikers. In California, a barbed wire trap was discovered at human height along a mountain bike trail. Read the story below.

Related: Mountain Biker Encounters Barb Wire Booby Trap On Popular Trail

It is always important to stay vigilant for obstacles on the trail. Moreover, if you are riding a multi-use trail, perhaps one that may be used by cows, it is advisable to stay in control.

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