Ride the Lightning: A Look into the Making of the F-35

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program is unparalleled in technological advancement, military strategy, international diplomacy, and sheer human tenacity. Tom Burbage's new book, "F-35: The Inside Story of Lightning II," offers a deep dive into the complexities and triumphs of this ambitious project through the eyes of someone at the very heart of it. Burbage, a key leader in the program, guides us through the labyrinth of the journey, its hurdles, and its victories.

The Beginning of F-35

The F-35 program was not birthed in a vacuum; it emerged from a complex geopolitical landscape, necessitating collaboration and partnership between numerous nations. As Burbage discusses in his book, it represents a step forward in cultivating shared defense objectives, binding allies into a squadron capable of maintaining peace on a global scale.

Burbage, a former Navy test pilot and seasoned aviation industry veteran, was instrumental in shaping the ethos of the F-35 program. Under his guidance, the program fostered a robust organizational culture, uniting diverse minds under a shared vision. This collaborative effort gave birth to the F-35, a jet that redefines the future of air warfare. Its awe-inspiring capabilities integrate state-of-the-art technology to engage in sophisticated combat scenarios.

The Challenges & Burbage’s Impact

However, the journey to the F-35 was not without its challenges. Weight prediction issues, looming threats of cancellation, and escalating costs all stood as potential roadblocks to the project. Burbage's insights into these challenges offer a unique perspective, highlighting the resilience and innovation that kept the program on track. He expounds on the monumental effort to develop and refine the jet's stealth technology and build durability against harsh environmental conditions.

The F-35 program was also a battlefield, with rivals and critics questioning its viability and cost. Yet Burbage meets these criticisms head-on, asserting that the jet's capabilities and lifespan justify the perceived expenses. Furthermore, he argues that the benefits extend beyond mere military might, fostering stronger international alliances.

Burbage's book comes at a crucial time as the world grapples with shifting geopolitical dynamics. The Pacific and Arctic regions have emerged as critical focus areas, requiring robust defense alliances. The F-35's role in shaping these alliances, as articulated by Burbage, underscores its significance in the evolving global landscape.

"F-35: The Inside Story of Lightning II"

Burbage's story is not just about a sophisticated piece of military technology; it's a human story about vision, determination, and teamwork. It's a story about overcoming adversity and misunderstanding. It's a tale of transcending conventional thought to push the boundaries of what's possible.

"F-35: The Inside Story of the Lightning II" by Tom Burbage<p>Tom Burbage</p>
"F-35: The Inside Story of the Lightning II" by Tom Burbage

Tom Burbage

The journey of the F-35 program serves as a testament to the triumph of human ingenuity, cooperation, and the resilience of spirit. It's a saga highlighting how collective vision and steadfast commitment can turn a dream into a reality, no matter the challenges.

"F-35: The Inside Story of Lightning II" serves as a historical record, a manual for leadership, and a mirror into the future of defense technology. For Burbage, the journey toward the F-35 was challenging. Still, it was worth it - a sentiment shared by those nations flying and fighting together in the cockpit of the most advanced jet in the world.

Listen to my latest Everyday Warrior podcast interview with Tom where he tells us his full story and more here.