Ride Along With Justin Quintal and Pat Schmidt During a Pumping Week of Surf in New Jersey

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Last week, back-to-back south swells sent pumping surf to New Jersey.

On Monday, we posted a raw clip from Ben Currie featuring every spill and thrill he witnessed, from sunup to sundown during the first of the two swells.

In the edit above, from Summer Rental Studio, we get a more refined edit of the best surfing from New Jersey last week. The first half of the clip features Wednesday's swell, and the second half is from Saturday, when a nearly identical storm setup produced a nearly identical day of pumping south swell tubes. Not only that, but the air temp was in the 50s and 60s, which made the 46 degree water temp much more bearable. At least according to those brave enough to give it a go.

"Two days of pumping surf in the same week rarely happens in New Jersey," writes Summer Rental Studio. "Justin Quintal and his buddy Ryan Watters flew in before the storm and hung out for the week. Classic strike mission with plenty of barrels and pork rolls."

That makes three A+ days in New Jersey in less than a month. And with El Nino in control of our weather, we'll likely see a few more epic days in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast before this winter is over.

Stay tuned.


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