How Richard Branson Sticks to His New Year's Resolutions

Richard Branson is one of the most well-known entrepreneurs in the world. Over the last few decades, he’s founded a record company, an airline, a cruise line, and more. He’s even got a private island to boot. All this is exactly why you should listen to Branson’s rather useful tips for successfully keeping your New Year’s resolutions.

“Many people don’t make resolutions because they feel like they’ve failed if they don’t stick to it,” Branson wrote in a new blog post. “I think it’s always better to be aiming for something, than nothing at all. Even if you only get one step closer, it’s still a step in the right direction.”

Branson uses one very specific trick to stick to all of his resolutions — and that is to write them down.

“Ever since I was a young boy, I have made lists of goals and resolutions. It’s how I make sense of the ideas in my head, the suggestions I receive, and the progress we are making,” he said. “What’s more, if I didn’t write down all of my ideas and resolutions, I might forget them!”

But that isn’t the only tip Branson has for resolution success. As he notes in his post, Branson wants you to write down every single idea you have. Big or small, just write it down on a napkin, in a notebook, or anything you have on hand.

Next, he wants you to create lists: one for “outlandish goals” and another for “manageable tasks to complete every day.” According to Branson, by creating these two lists, you can set your intentions and plan the steps you need to take to achieve everything you want.

“Make sure you have personal goals as well as business goals,” he said. “There’s no real separation between work and life, it’s all just living. The same goes for lists.”

Here comes the best part: Once you complete a task, you get to check it off the list. “There are few more satisfying things than ticking off a job well done,” he said. “Celebrate your successes (and make more lists of new goals).”

Lastly, Branson recommends sharing your goals with others. This way, you and the other person can hold one another accountable. Branson added, “But remember that, in the end, you are doing this for yourself.”