Rhys Verner Conquers Iconic Route On Winter Solstice

The North Shore Triple Crown is an iconic route in North Vancouver, British Columbia. To complete the route, riders must summit all three mountains on the North Shore: Seymour, Fromme, and Cyprus.

This route is usually attempted in the summer. Rhys Verner had other plans. On December 21, 2023, The breakout enduro star completed the route with a few friends. See the Strava log of his ride below.

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The Triple Crown is no joke. Summiting those mountains is tough on a road bike, but Verner reached for the mountain bike to ride the tough trails back down.

As you can see, the group rode 67 miles and climbed for over 10,000 feet. This took over 10 hours of moving time.

Traditionally, riders attempt this effort in the summer when the days are endless and the weather pleasant. Riding the triple crown in the winter requires lights, warm clothes, and an unbelievable amount of grit. Even a pro like Rhys had a moving time of over 10 hours on a day with 8 hours of daylight. That is true dedication!

Rhys titled his Strava effort "Morning Mountain Bike Ride." Casual!

Related: Déjà Vu with Rhys Verner

Rhys completed this challenge with friends Daniel Shaw, Elliot Jamieson, and Larry.

Rhys Verner is a former Cross Country rider who is now a professional Enduro racer. Verner had a stellar 2023, recording his first victory and finishing the season fourth in the overall. With batty efforts like this in the offseason, there is no reason to bet against him in 2024.

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