These Reusable Silicone Bags Let Me Fully Embrace Being A Snack Lady Without Harming the Planet

Photo credit: Kayla Ramsey
Photo credit: Kayla Ramsey

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What We Tested This Week: Stasher Bags

Who This Is Perfect For: Anyone who loves to snack on the go and take weekend getaways, but hates to throw out plastic bags that have only been used once.

I’m one of those people who likes to be prepared, carrying a Mary Poppins bag with me everywhere I go. Is it always convenient if I go out for after-work drinks? Maybe not. But if you live in the city, you have to carry your life in your handbag for that moment you feel parched or hungry.

I’ve carried everything from nuts to Cheerios, to fruits and sandwiches, and every time I throw away a plastic bag, it hurts me (and the planet) from the inside out. I’ve tried saving my bags and washing them, which can get annoyingly inconvenient, or labeling my chip bags so I can reuse them again. But really, how long can I go on labeling plastic bags to inevitably throw them away after two or three uses? If our friends from across the pond can limit plastic use, so can I.

Photo credit: Kayla Ramsey
Photo credit: Kayla Ramsey

I sought out a better option and found Stasher, a bag that is designed to be used over and over again without killing the planet (and my bank account). Just think of how much money is going into the trash every time you throw out a plastic bag! And even if you recycle your bags, they won’t truly break down.

These eco-friendly bags are the most durable types of baggies I’ve ever used, resisting scratches or potential punctures from all the other necessities in my tote. But not only can I use these and wash them efficiently by hand, but their natural silicone makeup can resist extreme hot and cold temperatures — and they have no BPA, BPS, phthalates, or latex. So not only can they be washed in the dishwasher, but they can also be put in boiling water, in the microwave, and in the oven, holding everything inside safely without emitting toxins into the food the way a plastic bag or container would!

Photo credit: Kayla Ramsey
Photo credit: Kayla Ramsey

Stasher CEO Kat Nouri even tells me: “Stasher bags surpass FDA requirements and instead meet EU food standards that are much higher than U.S. food standards. Unlike petroleum-based plastic, silicone being derived from sand lays the ground work for a nontoxic product. The high-quality durability means you can reuse it for years.”

Amazingly, these were not restricted to the food items in my pantry. Coming in all kinds of adorable colors and shapes — from the OG sandwich bag to the standup, snack, and pocket bags — I easily took these on weekend trips without worrying if my liquid makeup would spill everywhere or if my phone would be OK when it was pouring outside. I could also find super small items in my very large purse, like bobby pins and ChapStick.

Prior to my trip, I even put these babies to the liquid test, filling one with water, closing it with the ingenious Pinch-Loc seal and turning it upside down over a bowl to see if this really would stand the test of time. Hours went by and with no spillage in sight, I realized I truly found my best subway ride companion, my sous-chef in the kitchen, and my travel buddy.

And because these bags last forever, these will always be a snack craving away!

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