Retired Miltary Working Dog Receiving Special Package for His Service Is So Heartwarming

There are nearly 1,600 military working dogs serving just about anywhere and everywhere that the American military is stationed. These dogs are highly skilled warriors who undergo intense training. And after years of service, these dogs deserve a little recognition.

One retired military dog named Rider recently received a special package for his five and a half years of service. The video, which was shared to TikTok account @mwdrex_and_rider, will surely bring tears to your eyes. Happy tears, of course!

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Aww, this is absolutely precious! Rider served in the military with his Dad. He even stayed in while his Dad retired in 2021. But a year ago, Rider was having health issues and ended up needing spine surgery. Even as he was recovering and trying to get back to his service, new health problems arose. So instead of returning, he's finally living the life of a normal dog. We're so thankful for both Rider and Rex's service!

US War Dogs, a nonprofit, is now assisting with Rider's medications. And the package they sent him is truly icing on the cake. Toys and his service medal is the least he deserves. We hope he has the happiest retirement ever!

The Department of Defense finds its canine recruits from top breeders around the world, but only about 13% are born and bred into the DOD Military Working Dog Breeding Program. All of these puppies come from Joint Base in San Antonio. This dog training has been at the Texas base since the 1950s.

The program only breeds Belgian Malinois, according to the DOD website. This breed, closely resembling German Shepherds, is ideal for the military due to their high energy, speed, trainability, loyalty, and work ethic.

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