Some Restaurants Are Transforming Into Grocery Markets To Keep Sales Up And Help Customers Stock Their Pantries

Photo credit: Instagram/doghausdogs
Photo credit: Instagram/doghausdogs

From Delish

The news around the COVID-19 outbreak is constantly changing, but information about food safety and how to keep yourself healthy is crucial right now. Here is a comprehensive list on the foods you should be stocking up on during this period of social distancing, as well as information about your local grocery stores’ changing hours, an explanation of “no-contact delivery,” and a guide on how to help your community and its businesses throughout closures.

Restaurants everywhere are experiencing economic challenges due to closures or take-out only models that have been adopted due to COVID-19. In an attempt to stay afloat, some restaurants are turning into grocery markets to provide members of the community with food they can prepare at home.

According to MarketWatch, the National Restaurant Association estimates about a $225 billion loss in the restaurant industry, which also includes the loss of five-to-seven million jobs. Many restaurants are still offering delivery, take-out only, or drive-thru methods of service, but individuals are still wary of eating out and a Datassential report says about 30 percent of people are avoiding it in any capacity.

To combat the inevitable hit restaurants are going to take, some are selling their back stock of products and food for people to bring home and prepare on their own. Dog Haus and Texas Roadhouse are two of the companies that are transitioning to this sort of model, Forbes reports.

Dog Haus includes a range of restaurants located across the United States with the majority stationed on the west coast. While they are still fulfilling to-go orders, they're also adopting a "Haus Market" model, where customers can purchase things like hot dogs, burgers, sausages, tater tots, and Kings Hawaiian rolls to take home. Dog Haus has a running list of which locations are participating in the Haus Market and lists what groceries are available at what price point.

A Texas Roadhouse in Columbus, Ohio, is also selling some of their products, such as steaks, steak seasoning, sweet potatoes, and (their crowd-favorite) sweet bread rolls.

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